Monday, September 10, 2012

Nokia ready to releases three types of latest Lumia with Windows OS Phone 8

After releasing two phones with operating system Windows Phone 8 their flagship (Lumia 920 & Lumia 820), Nokia is planned work on other smartphones that is Nokia Lumia Zeal, Nokia Lumia Glory, and Nokia Lumia Flame. Here we see the specifications of these three types of Nokia Lumia.

1. Lumia Zeal

Nokia Lumia Zeal has a screen measuring 4.3 inch with mp3 feature (Microsoft Zune). Supported processor dual core 1 GHz, 8 GB of internal memory slot, external MicroSD slot, 512 MB RAM, with aluminum design view.

2. Lumia Glory

Lumia Glory comes with a slightly smaller screen is 4 inches, 800 MHz CPU, 256Mb of memory.

3. Lumia Flame

Just as both, Flame was also present with the operating system Windows Phone 8, 4 inch screen, dual-core processor 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 5 megapixel camera, 4 GB internal memory plus MicroSD slot.

Smart Glove Technology

It appears that Google is preparing a major projects, after Google Glass who rumored to be released in 2014, now Google Gets a new patent is called the Google Glove. For those who never watch Tom Cruise the Movie "Minority report" definitely understand what is meant Google Glove, and what the possibilities that occur if usability this Google glove are combined with Google Glass.

Google Glove equipped with sensors, cameras, memory, processors, and networking capacity. Not yet known exactly how to use or usefulness of Google Glove, but with patented both of these technologies, is not impossible technologies such as in the movie minority report, or even computers are in used Tony Stark in the movie Ironman, will be realized.